

At GIET, we believe that life outside the classroom should be equally rich and rewarding. We regard physical well being is as important as academic achievement. We have built up a wealth of opportunities for sports facilities for the students. They include:

SNO Equipment Available
1Badminton3 Courts (1 women , 2 Men)
2Basket BallCement Layered Court (31 * 18 mts)
3Cricket field2 (GIET – 55mts , 45 mts)
4Foot ball Field1 (100 * 50 yards)
5Kabaddi2 Courts
6Table Tennis2 Tables
7200 mts Athletic Track2
8Volley Ball6( 14 * 28 mts)
9Throw Ball for Women2
10Cricket Net Practice4 Courts
11Snooker Table1
12Chess20 Boards
13Carr-oms4 Boards
14Shuttle Courts4

Experienced Physical Education Directors

GIET offers an extensive program for students to hone their sporting skills. They are also provided an opportunity to prove their mettle by competing in the local leagues.

Name  Dr.C. Manjrekar Henry , M.P.Ed, Ph.D
Designation  Professor in Physical Education
Experience 16 Years
Specialization Cricket