1. This event is an attempt made to encourage all budding engineers to celebrate Engineers day with the beauty of Engineering laws and principles
2. An image will be presented to the participant as a clue to guess the name of the law or principle that best describes the picture.
Instructions to the participants:
1. All the participants must resigter through the google form link. Only registered participants can partcipate in the event.
2. Event Link will be sent to all the participants through Whatsapp group. So all the participants are instructed to join the Whatsapp group via the invite link mentioned at the registration form submission page.
3. All the participants should join the event on time. The link will be disabled after 30 minutes automatically.
Event Name : Guess the Law/Principle Organised by : Department of EEE
Event Organiser : Mrs. B. Kavya Santhoshi 9884887092 kavyasanthoshi@giet.ac.in
Date of Event : 13th Sep 2021 Duration : 30 minutes Time : 6 pm to 6.30pm
Registration form : https://forms.gle/UNFpfY9Mc12ASwoD8
Whatsapp group: Join Guess the law or Guess the law 2
1. This event is an attempt made to encourage all budding engineers to celebrate Engineers day with submission of the poster in the form of Video with proper explanation of their views on the given theme.
2. The video should be presented in a professional way.
Instructions to the participants:
1. All the participants must register through the google form link. Only registered participant can submit the video.
2. Only one participant is allowed to present the poster.
3. The Video can be sent to the above whatsapp number on or before the last date.
4. Incomplete videos will not be considered.
Event Name : Digital Poster Presentation Organized by: The Departments of ECE & CSE
Event Organiser : Mr D Gowri Sankar Rao, Assistant Professor 9133767432
Last date for submission of Video : 12 - 09 - 2021
Duration : less than 3 minutes
Registration form : https://forms.gle/7jDKJtGbJ4NXseig9
Instructions to the participants:
Event Name : Online Quiz Organized by: Departments of Mechanical Engineering
Event Organiser : Mr D.Suman Mobile 9618470460 Mail id: dakey.suman@giet.ac.in
Topics : Student selected paper (CE,EEE,ME,ECE,CSE,MM,AE)
Type of questions : 30 MCQs Marks : 2 marks for each question and -ve marking 2/3 for each wrong answer Duration : 20 minutes
Registration form : https://forms.gle/REJJ2YJjykZWqv72A
Final Round Topics : General Topics (Current affairs, Sports, entertainment, general questions etc)
Type of questions : 40 MCQs Marks : 2 marks for each question and -ve marking 2/3 for each wrong answer Duration : 30 minutes
Instructions to the participants:
Event Name : Ideathon Organized by: Departments of AME
Event Organiser: Mr G. Naveen Mobile:8886668245, 9945618563 Mail id: hod.ame@giet.ac.in
Topics : Any project/business idea belongs to any branch/field
Presentation day : 13-09-2021 from 10 am Duration : Not more than 8 minutes for each student
Registration form :https://forms.gle/uUvdVMAYCzsDDdTy5